We are back after a long break, while Matthew was able to work on the project over break, much of my time was taken by my job. I then developed the flu, so the time I was able to work was much less then my partner's. Anyway, now that we are done with excuses, lets talk about what I have been working on. Now that I have recovered a bit more and am capable of working again, I have begun work on a replay parser. We have spoken about replays in the past however, I would like to take the time here to really go in depth about how replays store information. Rivals of Aether makes out job parsing replays much easier by storing replays in plain text format. With some help from the RoA community we have been able to break down what a lot of the symbols mean. I am going to go in a little more depth about what data we can extract from the file and why we care about it. Line One The first line of the file contains basic meta-data about the replay itself. The line is formatted as fol...